
January 17, 2011

Duck Ponds on Farmville

When we first started farming on Farmville, via the Facebook , back in November 2009. We have seen many changes take places. Most which have been great additions to the game and some not so much. :)

If you have been playing this game from it's inception, you would remember when we had no where to place our animals unless they were chickens or cows, and even then we were seriously limited. The animals were always on "Stay" and in rows. They look like Army troops on everyone's farm.

Today, Farmville has grown, putting into place Animal Buildings and some with several expansions available. Those have been great! Now, we finally have Duck Ponds that are functional and serve as homes for the many ducks we have received lately.
The Duck Pond is a constructible building, as most other Farmville buildings have been. To complete your Duck Pond you will need a total of 40 parts:
20 watering cans and 20 shovels

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Once your Duck Pond is completed, You will be able to harvest it every 24 hours. You will also be able to customize your pond by displaying you favorite 5 ducks.
Soon, your ducks will have the ability to breed and create new ducklings. Yay !! Babies are always so cute!

We have been asked what kinds of animal will be allowed in the Duck Pond? The Duck Pond can house 20 ducks and swans, but not the brown goose So for all the ugly ducklings that have turned into beautiful swans - This Ponds For You!

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