
February 9, 2011

Finally, the 28x28 Farmville Farm Expansions are Now Available!!!

Hey Farmaholics, the day has arrived!!  Farmville Farm Expansions For Coins!! I was so excited to see the farm expansions when they first came out, only to be bummed out when I learned that it was only available for 120 Farmville Cash. Like many of you, I opted to wait.  But now the wait is over and I thrilled!!

The 28x28 farm expansions for coins are now available! There are a few requirements:

* You must already have a 26x26 expansion.

* The initial cost is 4,000,000 (four million) coins.
* You must have at least 45 neighbors and if you do you'll need to add 10 neighbors to be eligible to purchase the expansion.

You can find the expansion in the Market under Farm Aides -then Expand Farm.

Now go out there and enjoy your new space.
Happy Farming!!

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