
March 6, 2011

What is a Farmaholic?

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The word, Farmaholic or “I Am A Farmaholic” was created as a way to express the wonderful addiction we have from playing online games, such as Farmville and Farm Town, both which are played on the Facebook platform. Farmaholics have been created all over the world as the growth of these games continues.  

Farmaholics have created their own sanctuaries by coming together on groups on Facebook like, "I Am A Farmaholic." Here, we can voice our successes and frustration that we experience from playing these games. Like all the syncing issues. Ugghh! If you're a true Farmaholic, you know what I'm speaking of.

Real life Farmers, who grow crops for a Real Living, also call themselves Farmaholics. Blogs and articles show where spouses speak of how their farmers love farming so much they never come in from the farm. Now those are some real Farmaholics!

So no matter what type of Farmaholic you are, Real or Virtual, you can join us in saying our slogan,
"Be Proud, Say it Loud!" 
"I Am A Farmaholic"             

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